Publication Procedure
1. Manuscript Submission
- Authors must submit their manuscripts through the official submission portal on the De Facto Law Journal website or via the designated email
- The manuscript should be in Word format (.doc or .docx) and follow the prescribed formatting guidelines.
- Submissions must include:
- Title of the manuscript
- Name(s) of the author(s)
- Institutional affiliation
- Contact details
- Abstract (250-300 words)
- Keywords (4-6 words)
2. Plagiarism Check & Initial Review
- All manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check using standard software. The acceptable plagiarism limit is 10% (excluding references and footnotes).
- Manuscripts that pass the plagiarism check proceed to the initial review by the editorial board for adherence to journal scope and formatting requirements.
3. Double-Blind Peer Review
- Selected manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process, ensuring anonymity between authors and reviewers.
- Reviewers assess originality, research quality, legal analysis, and relevance.
- The review process typically takes 4-6 weeks.
4. Review Outcome & Revisions
- Authors receive one of the following decisions:
- Accepted without changes
- Accepted with minor/major revisions
- Resubmission required (after substantial revisions)
- Rejected (with reasons provided)
- Authors must submit revised manuscripts within the stipulated deadline.
5. Final Editorial Approval & Publication
- After incorporating suggested revisions, the manuscript undergoes final scrutiny by the editorial board.
- Upon approval, authors receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) and the manuscript is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.
6. Post-Publication Policies
- Authors retain copyright but must grant the journal exclusive publishing rights.
- Published articles are available under open-access (or specify if subscription-based).
- Any post-publication corrections or retractions follow the journal’s editorial policy